Briny- Short movie in collaboration with composer Stellan Veloce
watch the movie here Reviews: sa scena
watch the movie here Reviews: sa scena
Creating and performing an original piece with Stellan Veloce for What’s that Noise?
Trailer EPISODE I – Lola Trailer EPISODE II – Lucia and Hermes The Denial of Death is a documentary series created by Silvia Maggi and Aidan Jara. The series presents different people in contact with death – either through their job, passions, and religious beliefs – and their personal […]
26 de Diciembre // Instalación audiovisual // Silvia Maggi y Silvia Radicioni
duration: 3’45” 2011 direction and concept: Silvia Maggi How to build a molotov and how to die. This piece is dedicated to Carlo Giuliani, the person who was shot dead by riot police at G8 in Genova as he and other demonstrators attacked their van, making his the first death […]
extract from videoart work duration: 4’59” 2009 video: Silvia Maggi with: Selene Cilluffo music: Ross Gardener In this haunted piece, a lone individual rips out their hair in an industrial wasteland as a symbolic action about gender discrimination. Screened at: Mix Festival, NY Officina Betti, Rimini, Italy Museum Carlo Zauli, […]