Trailer documentary “Welcome Home”
Direction: Silvia Maggi
Interviews: Silvia Maggi & Silvia Radicioni
year: 2014
Duration: 30′
Genre: GLBT/social
Country: Germania
Amnesty International – 3 minuti
2018- Congiunzioni festival, Bologna
2016- Queeresima, Cagliari
2016- Transfemifest, Granada
2017- Political Science department of the University of Parma
2015- Feministisch Versetz, Utrecht
2015- Parma, Italy @”Questione di Genere”
2105- Amsterdam, the Netherlands @Vrankrijk
2015- Rovinj, Croatia, @Festival del Cinema Italiano
2015- Loreo, Italy, @ L’ora d’aria Festival
2015- Milano, Italy, @Cineteca di Milano, Spazio Oberdan
2015- Utrecht, the Netherlands @Casco
2015- Ravenna, Italy @Arcigay Ravenna Frida Byron
2015- Bologna, Italy @Cassero LGBT Center
2015- Modena, Italy @Ass. Matthew Shepard Arcigay Modena
2015- Amsterdam, the Netherlans @Butcher’s Tears
2015- Berlin, Germany @ Schwules Museum
2015- Utrecht, the Netherlands @ ACU – Feministisch Verzet
2014- Firenze, Italy @ Florence Queer Festival – Festival Internazionale di Cinema LGBT
2014- Amsterdam, the Netherlands @ Filmhuis Cavia – TranScreen Goes Cavia
2014- Masseria S.Anna, Bari, Italy @ Scuola Estiva “Orientate alla felicità”
2014- Amsterdam, the Netherlands @ Queeristan Authonomous Festival for queer politics
2014- Bologna, Italy @ Circolo Guernelli
2014- Roma, Italy @ Teatro Volturno
2014- Amsterdam, the Netherlands @ Ethnographic film screenings, University of Amsterdam
2014- Braga, Portugal @ O Minho University
2014- Berlin, Germany @ Lebensort Vielfalt